The Technical Commission on Good Governance Practices (CTPBG, for its acronym in Spanish) of OLACEFS is a group that seeks to promote good governance at a regional level, through the efficiency of accountability mechanisms and transparency in the management of public resources. This commission is chaired by a SAI elected from among its members for a period of 3 years. Currently, the CTPBG is leaded by the Office of the Comptroller General of the State of the Republic of Ecuador.
Good governance in Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) is an essential imperative to ensure the effectiveness and credibility of their work in the control and audit of public resources. It implies the application of fundamental principles such as transparency, accountability, citizen participation and ethics in all its activities. A supreme audit institution that practices good governance is characterized by its technical capacity, impartiality in its investigations and clear communication of its findings. This not only strengthens society’s confidence in the SAI’s mission, but also contributes to promoting more efficient and accountable government management for the benefit of the community as a whole.
- Chair of CTPBG: Dr. Mauricio Torres M., PhD, Comptroller General of the State of the Republic of Ecuador.
- CTPBG Coordinator : M.Sc. Daniela Pazmiño Rosas, Head of the International Affairs Department
- CTPBG Technical Liaison: M.Sc. Daniel Crespo Pazmiño
- Correo Electrónico: [email protected]