Soporte CUNIX

“The GTCT invites you to participate in the opening session of the Coordinated Audit Planning and Training Workshop on aid programs implemented within the framework of COVID-19”

El Grupo de Trabajo Especializado en la Lucha contra la Corrupción Transnacional (GTCT) de la OLACEFS, encabezado por la Contraloría General del Estado (CGE) de la República de Ecuador, y …

“The GTCT invites you to participate in the opening session of the Coordinated Audit Planning and Training Workshop on aid programs implemented within the framework of COVID-19” Read More »

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The GTCT makes the Manual of Good Practices in the Fight against Corruption available to the OLACEFS community and external stakeholders

El Grupo de Trabajo Especializado en la Lucha contra la Corrupción Transnacional presenta a la comunidad de fiscalización superior y a las entidades nacionales e internacionales con mandato en el …

The GTCT makes the Manual of Good Practices in the Fight against Corruption available to the OLACEFS community and external stakeholders Read More »

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