Declaration of Oaxaca is signed at the XXXI Ordinary General Assembly of OLACEFS

Titulares Asamblea General 2022

Within the framework of the XXXI Ordinary General Assembly of OLACEFS, which took place between September 20 and 23, 2022, in the City of Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico, the Declaration of Oaxaca was signed on “Auditing disaster risk reduction and climate change: Audits to reduce the acts of corruption, generate resilience, environmental restoration and accelerate sustainable development.”

In accordance with OLACEFS’ commitment to the prevention of significant environmental damage, understanding the relationship that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has recognized between environmental protection and the realization and/or enjoyment of human rights, and in accordance with OLACEFS’ previously signed Official Declarations, and the SAI’s commitments to global agendas, addressing these issues are fundamental and urgent challenges for countries.

In this declaration, OLACEFS recognizes that disaster risk reduction must be at the center of efforts to accelerate action against climate change. Even if climate change cannot be completely eliminated, it can be reduced and addressed efficiently.

In this sense, the audit role of SAIs is highlighted in the advancement of the SDGs, where their findings can indicate measures to accelerate action against climate change and achieve development.

Accordingly, through the Declaration of Oaxaca, the SAIs of the region assumed a series of commitments to strengthen their role in the face of disaster risks and climate change.
For more details on the Oaxaca Declaration visit

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