Cooperando N° 44 (Ingles)


17th Nov 2022

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Newsletter of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Issue n° 44 April – June, 2022 Lima, Peru
Nelson Shack Yalta
President of OLACEFS
It is a great satisfaction to meet again in the spaces that we had to leave
because of the pandemic, such as our face-to-face meetings, which now with
the new normality have given way to quite creative ways of incorporating
face-to-face and virtual platforms to remain united despite the distance. That is
the essence of OLACEFS: unity, resilience, cooperation, creativity, best practices and knowledge sharing.
Therefore, in this edition of the Cooperando Newsletter, the reader will be able
to know the details of the Governing Board Meeting and other very important meetings at the level of SAIs, Subregions and OLACEFS in general. Likewise, you
will be able to know the actions that SAIs have been implementing in terms of
audits, training, programs and good practices that allow our Regional Organization to continue being an international reference.
“Generating public value with good auditing practices”
Official photograph of the LXXIV Ordinary Meeting of the OLACEFS Governing Board.

Newsletter of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Editorial OLACEFS NewsSAI News
OCCEFS and EFSUR Activities
OLACEFS and SGDUpcoming Agenda 136

On April 21, 2022, the LXXIV Meeting of the Governing Board of the Latin American
and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) was held in the coastal city of Valparaiso, Chile.
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Nelson Shack (Comptroller General of Peru),
President of OLACEFS, together with the Executive Secretariat, headed by Mr.
Jorge Bermúdez (Comptroller General of Chile), and the elected Councilors:
Minister João Augusto Nardes ( Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil), and Minister
Álvaro Ezcurra (Court of Accounts of Uruguay), together with Mr. Edwin Salazar
(Comptroller General of Uruguay), and Mr. Edwin Salazar (Comptroller General of
Chile). Edwin Salazar (Comptroller General of Accounts of Guatemala), President
of OCCEFS, and Mr. Camilo Benítez (Comptroller General of Paraguay), President
of EFSUR; and Mr. David Colmenares (Superior Audit Office of the Federation of Mexico), head of the host SAI of the next Ordinary General Assembly of OLACEFS.
In addition, Mr. Erwin Ramirez, representing the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ);
and Mr. Martin Zapata, for the IACA Regional Coordination for Latin America, also attended as guests. During the meeting, the various OLACEFS Committees, Commissions and Working
Groups presented their activities carried out during the past year. Likewise, the
signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between OLACEFS and the
International Anti-Corruption Academy (AICA) for the development of capacities
of the SAIs of the region, the presentation of the MEDRI (Mechanism for the Rapid
Defense of the Independence of the SAIs of OLACEFS), the advances presented by
the OLACEFS-GIZ Project, among other important points, were highlighted.
For more information on the meeting and to see the working documents, please visit: OLACEFS Governing Board
Heads and high authorities of the member SAIs from Mexico, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Guatemala and Paraguay (left to right).

Coordinated Audit of the Sendai Framework:SDG 1, Target 1.5
The Working Group on Disaster Management Audit in the Framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (GTFD) invited the OLACEFS community to join
the Coordinated Audit on the Sendai Framework and poverty reduction that will take place during 2022 and 2023. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is a global, voluntary
and non-binding agreement adopted at the 3rd United Nations (UN) World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, endorsed by the General Assembly
through Resolution 69/283.
The overall objective is to “assess the implementation of government strategies on
disaster risk prevention and reduction to strengthen governance and build
resilience of the population living in poverty and contribute to the achievement of
SDG 1 and Target: 1.5 by 2030.”
This audit is part of the Regional Project on Strengthening External Financial
Control for the Prevention and Effective Fight against Corruption (OLACEFS – GIZ). The audit will be led by the Superior Audit Office of the Federation of Mexico in its
capacity as Chair of the GTFD. It will have the technical support of the German
Cooperation through GIZ. The field work of the audit
will be developed during 2022 and 2023.
During 2022 the training work and the planning workshop will be carried
out. During 2023 the execution of the audit and the individual reports as well
as the overall report will be carried out.

International Seminar “Advances in Internal Control and the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Control Services”
On June 14, the International Seminar “Advances in Internal Control and the
application of Artificial Intelligence in Control Services” was held, organized by the
Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru in its capacity as
Presidency of OLACEFS, in the city of Ica, Peru. The event was held with the purpose of sharing experiences and good practices of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of OLACEFS in the application of Internal
Control, Public Integrity and Artificial Intelligence in control services. Likewise, it
was attended by the SAIs of the region, who remained connected through virtual platforms.
The Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru and President of OLACEFS, Econ. Nelson Shack, gave the welcome words to the international seminar, highlighting
that “as a Regional Organization, spaces like these allow us to develop the main
work of OLACEFS oriented to the exchange of knowledge and experiences that
lead to the application of best practices in our SAIs that affect improving the quality of life of citizens.
Next, presentations were made by Dr. Edwin Salazar, Comptroller General of
Accounts of the Republic of Guatemala; and Dr. Henry Lucas Ara, Comptroller
General of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, on the application of internal control
in their respective SAIs. Lic. Christian Sanabria Montaña from the Office of the
Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia continued with a presentation
on the Colombian case regarding artificial intelligence. Subsequently, Mr. Jesús
Rodríguez, President of the General Audit Office of the Argentine Nation,
presented the external control and its link with the internal control. Finally,
presentations were made by the officials of the Comptroller General of the
Republic of Peru on public integrity, internal control, and data analysis.
Dr. Edwin Salazar (SAI Guatemala), Econ. Nelson Shack (SAI Peru) and Dr. Henry Ara (SAI Bolivia) at the opening
of the International Seminar (from left to right).

Accounts of the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
the facts did not present, as a whole, sufficient materiality and seriousness to
support an adverse opinion on the management of the budgets and other operations carried out with federal public resources.
In total, 105 elements of the Pluriannual Plan (PPA) 2020-2023 were examined,
selected by criteria of materiality and relevance. Of these, 25% were rejected due
to reliability or quality issues. For the rapporteur, it is the responsibility of the MAP to make the budget cycle transparent. The president of the Court of Accounts, Minister Ana Arraes, the other ministers
and the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office before the TCU made
comments on some points, such as: secret budget; increase in poverty; deaths and the government’s actions in the pandemic.
The Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) approved, on
Wednesday (29/6), the accounts of the president of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonaro,
for the year 2021. The ministers unanimously followed the
proposal of the rapporteur,
Minister Aroldo Cedraz. The preliminary opinion brings ten recommendations and five
alerts to the Federal Executive. In total, three irregularities and three improprieties were
pointed out in the report on the execution of the Union’s
budgets and eight distortions were identified in the General Balance Sheet.
According to the rapporteur,
Minister Aroldo Cedraz presents the proposal
regarding the accounts of the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

National Self-Control Exercise to be held in Cuba for state agencies
Beginning of the application of the
National Self-Control Exercise to state agencies in Cuba.
The National Self-Control Exercise for Cuban state agencies, from the business
system and budgeted units, is being carried out from the beginning of June until July
15, informed the Comptroller General of the Republic, Gladys María Bejerano
The objective of this exercise, included in the Presidential Decree that approved the
Control Directives and Objectives for this year, is to promote a culture of control and
prevention in the administrations, strengthening ethical conduct, participative
control systems and transparent accountability.
The exercise will be supported by the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC), the Union of Jurists (ANJC) and the Cuban Workers’
Central (CTC) and its National Unions, based on the Self-Control Guides, updated as
of May 10 of the current year and available for downloading at the website
This Guide will serve for the execution of Strategic Audits as those practiced a few
months ago with the previous Guide, is organized by components and is oriented
that it should be appropriate to the needs and characteristics of each sector and
management level, with the deletion of everything that does not process and add everything that is deemed necessary. The most important thing, it was insisted in the
meeting held at the headquarters of the Office of the Comptroller General, will be
the contribution of each group under the leadership of their respective chiefs and
the broadest and most effective participation of the workers.

Employees of the Supreme Audit Institution reaffirm their commitment to ethics
As every June 14, in honor of the birthdays of two great figures of Cuban history, Antonio Maceo Grajales and Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, the workers of the
Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Cuba signed the Ethical Commitment that will govern their work until the same date in 2023.
The main activity was presided over by the Comptroller General, Gladys María
Bejerano Portela, the president of the National Association of Social
Communicators Rosa María Pérez Gutiérrez, together with other executives and guests.
In unison, solemn acts took place in each of the Provincial Comptroller’s Offices and
the Comptroller’s Office of the Special Municipality of Isla de la Juventud, where all
its workers, comptrollers, auditors and administrative personnel ratified their commitment to the ethical values that govern their work. The declaration of the ethical commitment was read by newly hired young workers,
representing the different substantive and assurance areas of the organ. The
activity concluded with the signing of the working agreement between the Office
of the Comptroller General of the Republic and the Cuban Association of Social Communicators.
Rosa María Pérez, President of the National Association of Social Communicators, and Gladys María Bejerano,
Comptroller General of the Republic of Cuba.

CGE and WWF held their first workshop to improve SDG oversight in the environmental field
In the framework of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding
signed between the World WildLife Fund (WWF) and the Office of the Comptroller General of the State of Ecuador, on the morning of May 25, the first face-to-face
workshop was held to contribute to the Strengthening of Governmental Control of
Compliance with the SDGs related to the Environment. This space was attended
by three experts from the non-governmental organization and staff from the National Directorate of Natural Resources Auditing.
The members of the World WildLife Fund presented the importance of
governmental control on issues related to biodiversity conservation, with emphasis
on the information they have gathered in studies on timber, fisheries and wildlife. The economic quantification made on the loss of native forests in Ecuador, which
amounts to approximately 4 billion dollars, stands out.
The main activity in this area was to identify new audit topics, expanding the
objects that have historically been audited by our control unit. Thirty audit ideas
were identified in areas such as water, biodiversity conservation, fisheries, forests and protected areas, mining, hydrocarbons, climate change, agriculture and
waste, which coincide with the targets of SDGs 03, 06, 07, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
The purpose of this meeting was to share knowledge and experiences between
both entities and reaffirm the importance of the conservation of natural
resources from different
areas of society. The
information obtained will be analyzed and priority
will be given to the issues
in which CEM may be involved.
Participants of the Workshop to improve SDG oversight in the environmental field.

In a transparent process the SAI of El Salvador added new auditors to its work teams
Reunión Participación Ciudadana, ejercida por la Contraloría General de la República del República de Panamá.
In compliance with the commitment of the President and Magistrates to
strengthen the public function, the Court of Accounts added 33 new
Government Auditors who will join efforts to enhance and modernize the auditing
process and consolidate this institution as a modern, reliable and specialized
entity in the control and auditing of State resources.
Through a public call and with the purpose of forming a Bank of Eligible Persons,
this institution opened the reception of resumes to apply for different positions. As
a result, nearly 400 resumes were received from internal and external candidates. After an exhaustive process of evaluation and selection of the above mentioned
profiles, the number was reduced to 254 people who were called to be
examined, of which a reduced group obtained the highest qualification that
certified them to be part of the Human Talent of this SAI. In the welcoming ceremony, the authorities explained their expectations regarding their performance, which must be technical, independent and
diligent. They were also given technological tools and a compendium containing the regulations applicable to the development of their functions.
Welcoming ceremony for new government auditors.

Strengthening public function and good governance through training on technical issues
In order to promote good governance and increase the capacities of both its
human talent and public administration personnel, in February, the Auditing
Institution of El Salvador imparted three important technical topics: “Strengthening
the Internal Control System”; “Tools and Techniques for Effective Auditing” and
“Evaluation of the Internal Control System COSO approach”.
The Management Body of this SAI promotes the development of professional and institutional capacities within the field of auditing, with the objective of
strengthening public administration.
The strategic approach of this entity determines to increase the knowledge,
abilities and aptitudes of the personnel; in the same way, the Law of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of El Salvador, in its article 5 on its faculties and functions,
numeral 9, mandates “To train the servants of the entities and organisms of the public sector, in the matters for which it is responsible; to regulate and coordinate the training”.
Development of training on technical issues for the public servants of
the Court of Accounts of El Salvador.

Training for SAIs in the OLACEFS and OCCEFS region
One of the priorities of the Superior Audit Office of the Federation (ASF) of Mexico is
to offer OLACEFS and OCCEFS member SAIs support for the building of institutional capacities to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of management, as well as
the modernization of public administration. Along these lines, during the second
half of 2022, the ASF will provide technical support to the Office of the Comptroller
General of the Republic of Nicaragua for the updating of the Nicaraguan Government Auditing Standards (NAGUN), as well as training for the audit staff of
the Court of Accounts of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in Performance Auditing.
Furthermore, reaffirming the ASF’s commitment to the Framework Cooperation
Agreement with the SAIs of the Northern Triangle of Central America, the SAI of Mexico will offer the SAIs of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras an exchange of
best practices and knowledge on Forensic Auditing, Performance Auditing and the
Internal and Quality Control System.

SAIs of Colombia and Paraguay sign an
inter-institutional cooperation agreement to work jointly and exchange experiences
efforts and articulate collaboration to advance joint actions in matters of
reciprocal interest based on cooperation, advice and technical support in line
with their objectives and functions with a view to achieving their goals and the rational and optimal use of their resources for the benefit of each of the Supreme
Audit Institutions. During the bilateral meeting, representatives of the
aforementioned Supreme Audit Institutions presented specific topics, including the work carried out by both bodies. In the case of Paraguay, the Director General of the Directorate of Governmental
Control, Dr. Gladys Fernandez lectured on Best Practices and spoke about the
national evaluation of the level of maturity of the internal control system based on
the Minimum Requirements Standards, MECIP 2015 of the Agencies and Entities of the State and municipal governments.
As for the representative of Colombia, Lic. Maria Fernanda Rangel, Director of the
Directorate of Information, Analysis and Immediate Reaction (DIARI), explained that the DIARI represents the efficient use of technology in the exercise of
surveillance and fiscal control, it is also one of the main bodies supporting the
National Fiscal Control System.
On the occasion of the EFSUR meeting held in the city of Asunción in April 2022, the SAIs of Paraguay and Colombia
held a bilateral meeting with
the purpose of signing an inter-institutional cooperation
agreement, by the
Comptrollers General, Dr. Camilo Benítez and Dr. Carlos Felipe Córdoba, of the CGR Paraguay and CGR Colombia respectively. By means of the document, both institutions commit to join
Dr. Camilo Benítez and Dr. Carlos Córdoba, heads of the SAIs of Paraguay and Colombia, respectively (from left to right).

14 Since early July, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru has been calling for senior citizens over the age of 60 to join the new citizen
participation program “Social Control Mentors”, where they can contribute
added value to the activities of social control of public works and services.
This volunteer program, whose motto is “Empowering others makes you bigger!”,
aims to promote citizen participation of senior citizens, many of whom are already retired, with knowledge and experience in the public or private sector,
to exercise the role of social control guide and contribute to governmental
The requirements to participate in this innovative program are to be Peruvian,
be 60 years of age or older, have knowledge and experience in the public or
private sector, have no criminal, judicial or police record, and not hold political
office or be affiliated with a political organization.
Initially, the “Social Control Mentors” program is being launched in the country’s capital city, but there are plans to expand it nationwide. Participating seniors will
receive public recognition, free courses on social control and access to forums
and international conferences on government control and public management. More information at
SAI Peru launches new Social Control Mentors program. It invites senior citizens to join as control guides
Senior citizens (often retired) with extensive experience in the public and private sectors will be the new guides of social

Peru: More than 76 thousand candidates to submit their Sworn Statement of Interests
More than 76 thousand candidates formally registered to run for governors, regional councilors, mayors and municipal councilors, must submit to the Office
of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru their preventive Sworn Statement of Interests (DJI), within the framework of the Regional and Municipal Elections 2022.
This requirement, established for the first time in our history, pursuant to Law 31277
of June 22, 2021, will contribute to achieve greater transparency of those who
intend to direct and manage public resources, since they will have to report on
their personal, family, economic, labor and financial ties, in order to avoid conflicts of interest that could affect the performance of potential authorities.
Given this new legal mandate, the Office of the Comptroller General assumes the challenge of receiving and making transparent the DJI of those who
participate in the electoral process and have the obligation to comply with the
country, but mainly with the citizen voters, who based on the personal
information of the candidates will be able to cast an informed and reflective vote.
Candidates who have a digital signature can file the DJI 100% virtually, while if
they opt for the physical presentation of the DJI, they can do it individually or in
For the first time, more than 76,000 candidates
will file their DJI to prevent possible conflicts of interest in case they are elected.
groups at any of the offices of the
Office of the Comptroller General
or at the 196 institutional control
bodies of the provincial municipalities at the national level,
until September 19. The DJI in the
latter case will be in printed format, with a handwritten signature,
enclosing a simple letter in a sealed envelope. More information at:

CCRD participates in Regional Congress on Internal Audit, Management Control, Risk and Finance
At the Regional Congress on Internal Audit, Control of Management, Risk and Finance (CRAICG) sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors of the Dominican
Republic, Inc. the president of the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic (CCRD), Janel Andrés Ramírez Sánchez, presented the new methodology for the preparation of the Annual Audit Plan (PAA) based on risk as a tool to help achieve
the objectives of this institution and the Center for Intelligence, Effective Monitoring
and Prevention of the CCRD. Before an audience of accountants, auditors and technicians, he showed achievements such as the creation of a technological instrument for municipalities
and Municipal District Boards to send their financial information instead of carrying
it physically and the use of technological applications that facilitate the audit of the use of public resources with the creation of the Center for Intelligence, Effective
Monitoring and Prevention (CIMEP), an objective and technical tool, which
considers the total universe of entities identified through the Budget.
The Regional Congress on Internal Audit, Control of Management, Risk and Finance
(CRAICG 2022), is the most relevant event on Audit, Control, Corporate Governance and Risk Management held in the Dominican Republic.
CCRD President Janel Andrés Ramírez Sánchez and Plenary Member Elsa
Peña Peña, participate in the Regional Congress on Internal Audit, Control of Management, Risk and Finance.

40 years that count
King Felipe VI received in audience the members of the Plenary and a week later
the Court of Audit wanted to share the anniversary with the External Control
Bodies of the Autonomous Communities in an event at the University of Alcalá.
The President of the Court of Audit, Enriqueta Chicano Jávega, explained that
not only 40 years of history and recent regulations of the institution are being
commemorated, but also “the maturity of an external control system in Spain based on cooperation and loyalty between the Court of Audit and its regional counterparts”.
The Court of Audit (TCU) of Spain is
commemorating the 40th
anniversary of the approval of its
Organic Law, although its historical antecedents go back centuries. The 1982 law expanded on Article 136 of the 1978 Constitution, which
establishes that the Court of Audit is the supreme audit body of the State and also assigns it accounting jurisdiction. On the occasion of the
anniversary, the Court has prepared a series of events and
actions that will take place
throughout 2022.
House of His Majesty King Philip IV at the Zarzuela Palace.
During 2022, several days of
reflection on external control will be
held. In addition, the Court of Audit is
launching the “tagline” or slogan “We
count for you” and has produced an
informative video that seeks to increase awareness of the institution in Spanish society and the Spanish-speaking community. Link to the video: tas/export/sites/default/.galleries/videos/Video40_1.mp4

Plenary session of the Court of Audit together with
the External Control Bodies (OCEX).

The Court of Accounts warns of a drop in child vaccination
The Court of Accounts of the State of Espírito Santo in Brazil has been inspecting operational issues related to Covid-19 vaccination since 2021. With the recommendations made,
public managers improved the conditions of vaccination posts
and started to store vaccines in appropriate refrigerators. Although the State has sufficient doses of vaccines available for the population, and has health units operating regularly, there is a low rate of vaccination of
children (5 to 11 years old)
against Covid: a reality that also exists in other Brazilian states.
Handing over the child vaccination report to the
State Public Prosecutor’s Office.
According to councilman Domingos Taufner, speaker of the process, “parents
are not taking their children to be vaccinated mainly due to false news transmitted on social networks about vaccines, which in turn reduced the demand for vaccines against other diseases such as measles and polio, extinct diseases that are at risk of returning. This is serious. In order to contribute to the achievement of better results, the Court
recommended to public managers to encourage child vaccination, in addition
to having referred the issue to the State Public Prosecutor’s Office, in order to investigate the criminal practice in relation to the dissemination of false news. Review more information at:



OCCEFS Regional Meeting on Auditing
On March 23-24, 2022 in Mexico City, the OCCEFS Regional Meeting on Auditing
was held, an initiative presented by Dr. Edwin Humberto Salazar Jerez,
Comptroller General of Accounts of the Republic of Guatemala and President of the OCCEFS, in coordination with Econ. David Rogelio Colmenares Paramo,
Superior Auditor of the Federation of Mexico and leader of the OCCEFS Capacity Building Committee (CIC).
This meeting provided a space for SAIs to exchange experiences, best practices
and innovative tools that contribute to the development of audit work, mainly in three thematic areas: good governance, transparency and prevention and fight
against corruption. It was also an opportunity to thank the contributions and commitment of the 11
member SAIs of the OCCEFS, as well as the support of the SAI of Peru and
interested parties, for the integration of the publication “Building the Road to
Prosperity: Witnesses of the History of Governmental Control in the Central
American and Caribbean Region”, a project that articulates the mechanisms to
ensure better levels of transparency, accountability and quality of public
spending. This publication will be presented during the XLVI Ordinary General Assembly of the OCCEFS.
Opening ceremony of the OCCEFS Regional Meeting on Auditing. From left to right: Lic.
Janel Andrés Ramírez Sánchez, President of the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican
Republic, Econ. Nelson Shack Yalta, Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru and
President of OLACEFS, Econ. David Rogelio Colmenares Paramo, Superior Auditor of the
Federation of Mexico and Coordinator of the OCCEFS Capacity Building Committee, Dr.
Edwin Humberto Salazar Jerez, Comptroller General of Accounts of the Republic of
Guatemala and President of OCCEFS, Lic. Roberto Antonio Anzora Quiroz, President of the Court of Accounts of the Republic of El Salvador.

EFSUR Planning Workshop on Coordinated Audit SDG 1, Covid-19 Impact and Gender Gaps
planning matrix on which the SAIs will work.
During the opening of the workshop, the Auditor General of the Argentine Nation, Ms. Graciela de la Rosa, highlighted three key words to understand the importance of this audit: poverty, COVID-19 and gender gaps. De la Rosa
mentioned that “this audit is a huge challenge for our SAIs and will provide the
necessary technical, professional, objective and committed view on this critical
period in the development of the 2030 Agenda”. Likewise, de la Rosa
emphasized that “we must highlight gender equality as a fundamental premise in the audits of our SAIs” and “this is why this audit is so important for our nations,
contributing to the auditing of the development of the 2030 Agenda to measure
the impact of the pandemic from a gender perspective”. This coordinated audit is unique in Latin America and involves the participation of
14 Supreme Audit Institutions of the region and the Office of the Comptroller of
Bogota. The delegations of the SAIs of Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay,
Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and the
representative of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) Erwin Alberto Ramírez Gutiérrez attended the meeting in person. The
delegations from Peru, Costa Rica and the Office of the Comptroller of Bogota also attended virtually.
On June 27, 28 and 29, at the
headquarters of the General
Audit Office of the Argentine
Nation (AGN), the planning
workshop was held for the
Coordinated Audit: “Policies implemented to achieve the
targets of SDG 1 and mitigate the impact of Covid-19, with
emphasis on reducing gender
gaps”. The activity organized by the technical team of EFSUR
of the AGN, had the participation of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the region and aimed to develop the
Participants of the Planning Workshop for the SDG 1 Coordinated Audit.

II Seminar on Poverty and Gender,
Covid-19 Impact, organized by EFSUR
On June 30 and July 1, the II International Seminar on Poverty and Gender,
Covid-19 impact, was held in the Eva Perón Room of the General Audit Office of
the Argentine Nation, and was also transmitted virtually. This event, organized by the Supreme Audit Institutions of South American Countries (EFSUR) and the
General Audit Office of the Argentine Nation, took place within the framework of
the coordinated audit of public policies for the fulfillment of SDG 1 mitigate the Covid-19 impact and reduce gender gaps.
The opening remarks were made by Mr. Jesús Rodríguez, President of the AGN;
Econ. Nelson Shack Yalta, Comptroller General of Peru and President of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS);
and Mr. Jorge Oliveira, Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil.
Afterwards, a series of panels began with presentations by representatives of the
different SAIs, national and international legislators, technical teams of the AGN
and representatives of public agencies related to the subject. Relevant issues such
as gender violence within the framework of COVID-19, feminization of poverty, the gender perspective in legislative work, the effects of the pandemic on the
Argentine labor market, and the impact of the pandemic on gender equality, according to UN representatives, were addressed.

Heads and high authorities of the SAIs of Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Brazil (from left to right) who participated in
the II International Seminar on Poverty and Gender, Impact Covid-19.

Finally, on Friday, June 1, the event was closed by the authorities of the SAIs in the
panel “Auditing SDG 1 from a gender perspective in Latin American countries”. The
panel was moderated by the Auditor General of Argentina, Ms. Graciela De la Rosa, who thanked the SAIs for their active participation during the meeting. “We
are convinced that auditing the SDGs is part of the task of our SAIs, not only
because of the INTOSAI, OLACEFS and UN agreement, but also because from the
Human Rights approach, the SDGs are fundamental rights of the inhabitants of our peoples”, said de la Rosa.
On the other hand, de la Rosa remarked that “in order to contribute to resolving
these enormous inequality gaps, deepened by the pandemic, it is essential to carry
out good audits”. Finally, she stressed that “this coordinated audit in which 15 audit
institutions are working is very important, not only because of the number, but also
because of the quality of each of our technicians and professionals. It is a unique audit in Latin America and in the world”.
The next speaker was Dr. Ana Arraes, President of the Federal Court of Accounts of
Brazil, who, through a video, pointed out the importance of having more women
occupy decisive positions in the SAIs of the world. Marta Eugenia Acosta Zúñiga,
Comptroller of the Republic of Costa Rica, emphasized that the challenge of SDG
1 is fundamental for all societies, especially those that lag behind in terms of women’s rights.
Nelly Salvo, General Secretary of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile, explained the importance of the creation of the Working Group
on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination (GTG) within OLACEFS to address
gender inequalities within SAIs. Erwin Ramirez, Regional Director at GIZ, highlighted the more than 10 years of technical cooperation with SAIs in the region and
underlined the collaboration tools offered by GIZ for this new audit. Finally, Dr.
Camilo D. Benítez Aldana, Comptroller General of the Republic of Paraguay,
emphasized the great responsibility of SAIs around the world to enforce this SDG policy, with special attention to the gender perspective.
To learn more, visit

SAI of Chile assumed
the Presidency of EFSUR
During the XXXIII Extraordinary Assembly of the Organization of Supreme Audit
Institutions of South American Countries (EFSUR), the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile was unanimously elected to occupy the EFSUR
presidency from July 1 to December 31, 2022. The meeting was held at the General Audit Office of the Nation, in a hybrid manner, with presence inside the premises
and virtually. The main items on the agenda were the resignation of the SAI of
Paraguay from the presidency of EFSUR, and the election of the SAI of Chile, led by
the Comptroller General Dr. Jorge Bermúdez Soto.
Salvo, from the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile.
Also participating virtually were Deputy Comptroller Dr. Jhosnel Peraza, from the
Office of the Comptroller General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Dr.
Patricia Arandia, General Secretary of the Office of the Comptroller General of
Bolivia, Ms. María Isabel Vásquez, National Director of International Affairs for the
Office of the Comptroller General of Ecuador, and Dr. Rafael Quintas, Director of
International Affairs of the Court of Accounts of Uruguay.
In this way, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Paraguay
ended its mandate at the head of the Presidency of the Organization after 3 years,
in which important advances were made such as the statutory update and the
Strategic Plan 2020-2022, which promoted coordinated audits of relevance around the Sustainable Development Goals.
María Graciela de la Rosa (in
charge of the Executive
Secretariat), Comptroller Dr. Camilo Benítez Aldana, from
the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of
Paraguay (in charge of the
Presidency of EFSUR),
Comptroller Econ. Nelson
Shack Yalta, from the Office of
the Comptroller General of the
Republic of Peru, Minister Jorge
Oliveira from the Federal Court
of Accounts of Brazil, and the General Secretary Dr. Nelly
Session of the XXXIII Extraordinary Assembly of EFSUR.

Heads of SAI members of EFSUR were
received by the President of the Republic of Paraguay
Within the framework of the EFSUR Paraguay 2022 meeting, the heads of EFSUR,
headed by the Comptroller General of Paraguay and President of said
sub-regional organization, Dr. Camilo Benítez Aldana, held a protocol meeting
with the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Mr. Mario Abdo Benítez.
The delegation was made up of heads and representatives of the SAIs of Bolivia,
Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela. EFSUR Paraguay 2022 began last March 29 with the opening of the Workshop on
Planning the Coordinated Audit of SDG 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” and
culminated with a program that included the International Dialogue “Water and
Sanitation”, at the headquarters of the Central Bank of Paraguay, and later the extraordinary meeting of the Joint Commission of EFSUR. ue-recibida-por-el-presidente-de-la-republica
President of the Republic of Paraguay, Mr. Mario Abdo Benítez,
together with heads and representatives of the SAIs of Bolivia,
Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela, at a protocol meeting.

SAI of Paraguay hosts the planning workshop of the Coordinated Audit “SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation”
The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Paraguay, within the
framework of the meeting of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the countries of South America (EFSUR), held in the city of Asuncion, received the auditors members of the teams of the SAIs participating in this initiative.
The meeting was attended by auditors from the SAIs of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay and Venezuela. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the planning matrix and reach a consensus on all aspects related to the Coordinated Audit.
This international joint work seeks to verify compliance with the targets of SDG 6
“Clean Water and Sanitation” with regard to two of its targets: 6.1 referring to
access to safe drinking water at an affordable price and 6.2 which refers to
sanitation itself, treatment plants, effluents and all that this implies.
Dr. Camilo Benítez, Comptroller General of the Republic of
Paraguay, with teams of auditors from the SAIs participating in the Coordinated Audit of SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation.

SDG 3b Coordinated Audit Consolidation Workshop to be held
On August 11 and 12, the “Workshop on Consolidation of the Coordinated Audit to Sustainable Development
Goal 3b” will be held at the
National School of Control of
the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of
Peru, leader SAI of the Coordinated Audit.
The workshop aims to provide
guidelines for the
development of the regional
report and the consolidation of the national reports of the participating SAIs.
Likewise, the meeting seeks
to share experiences and good practices specific to the execution of the
coordinated audit of SDG 3b. In addition, it will be held in hybrid mode, i.e., both virtual and face-to-face.
The workshop will be attended by the audit teams of the SAIs that are part of the
Coordinated Audit, which are those belonging to the countries of Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Italy and the
subnational entities of the Municipalities of Bahia, Bogota and Buenos Aires.
Peruvian health sector authorities and cooperating organizations, such as the Pan American Health Organization, are also expected to attend.
The Coordinated Audit of SDG 3b is being carried out within the framework of the
OLACEFS Working Group on Disaster Management Auditing in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals ( GTFD), which is chaired by the Superior Audit Office of the Federation of Mexico.


Quarterly publication of the Latin American and
Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. Twitter: @OLACEFS_oficialFacebook: @olacefsInstagram: @olacefs
YouTube: /OLACEFScom Lima, Peru

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