GTG extends an invitation to the second meeting of the Keynote Speech Series “HANDS ON DECK: POLICY ON GENDER EQUALITY AND NON-DISCRIMINATION”

After the success of the first meeting of the keynote speech series “HANDS ON DECK: POLICY ON GENDER EQUALITY AND NON-DISCRIMINATION” on Ethical Culture, this coming Wednesday, July 1 at 11:00 a.m. in Santiago de Chile (UTC-4), this activity continues, with the presentation of the axis of Inclusion.

Every first Wednesday of the month, from May to October, the Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination (GTG), organizes a series of webinars whose main objective is to present each of the axes of the Policy on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination, taking it to a dynamic and participatory level, where all people can understand the issues in a closer and more concrete way, exemplifying it in good practices and recommendations from other SAIs or Organizations.

This next session will address the issue of inclusion of vulnerable groups within institutions, such as people with disabilities, people from the LGBT community, the elderly, indigenous or Afro-descendants, and will include the participation of Ms. María José Ramírez Franco, from the Superior Auditor of the Federation of Mexico and Ms. Verónica Espinosa Terán, from the Office of the Comptroller General of the State of Ecuador, as panelists. Also, as in the previous session, there will be interaction with the public through the interactive platform, Mentimeter, and via Zoom questions. Don’t miss this second meeting and register by clicking here. We look forward to hearing from you!


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