Within the framework of the Projects carried out by the CTPBG, led by Mr. Jesús Rodriguez, president of the General Audit Office of the Nation of Argentina, last Thursday, March 17, twelve officials of the SAIs of Mexico, Puerto Rico and Argentina held a videoconference to address the importance of the IntoSAINT Tool and organize the face-to-face workshop that will be held in Puerto Rico.

The meeting was attended by Puerto Rico Comptroller Yesmín M. Valdivieso and several of her officials. Juan José Ramírez Gutiérrez  and Paola Romero Gorrostieta also participated by the Sai of Mexico and Miriam Insausti in their capacity as Liaison of the CTPBG

IntoSAINT is a tool for Integrity Self-Assessment that allows the performance of risk analysis and assesses the maturity level of internal control systems, in order to identify measures aimed at strengthening integrity management, which makes it an effective instrument to generate or strengthen an integrity policy in SAIs.

Two videoconferences with the SAIs of Panama and Venezuela are already planned. The implementation of these three workshops, which were suspended by the pandemic, would make OLACEFS the first region of INTOSAI in which 100% of its SAIs have assessed the integrity of their organizations.

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