Outstanding participation of the SAI of Chile in Regional Event on Mining Environmental Liabilities

Within the framework of actions aimed at disseminating the results obtained in the Coordinated Audit on Governance Structures for the Comprehensive Management of Mining Environmental Liabilities (CA MEL), the coordinating team, led by the SAIs of Chile, participated in the Regional Event: Challenges for the Sustainable Management of Mining Environmental Liabilities, organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

The event, which took place between August 1 and 4 in Lima, Peru, allowed the exchange of experiences between Public Entities and experts in the management of the MELs of the countries: Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, and Germany. The discussions were aimed at identifying the necessary conditions for the comprehensive management of the MELs, the exchange on the advances in Ibero-America in the sustainable management of these, as well as the identification of remediation techniques and development of secondary mining, all with a strong focus on human rights, seeking the protection of vulnerable populations, affected by the impacts generated by these wastes. Likewise, the event considered the technical visit to mining environmental liabilities with remediation works, located in the outskirts of Lima, which have been managed through the action of AMSAC, a public company dedicated to the remediation of MELS.

In this sense, the results of the coordinated audit are being known and adopted by the responsible entities in the region, making progress in strengthening the governance structures for the management of the MELs, mainly, through the development and complement of inventories and evaluation of this waste, so that the management of the MELs is carried out in an urgent and prioritized manner. The foregoing, within the framework of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, is related to the fulfillment of the 2020 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information about the event you can consult:


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