During the first quarter of this year, as a result of the strengthening of the issue of citizen participation, the Court of Accounts of the Union (TCU) of Brazil decided to join the Citizen Participation Commission (CPC) of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Entities Supreme Audit Institutions (Olacefs) and the Task Force on Citizen Participation and Interaction with Civil Society (TFCP) within the scope of the Capacity Building Committee (CBC) of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).
Considering that citizen participation is one of the priority issues of the institution’s management, the TCU, through its General Secretariat for External Control (SEGECEX), recently approved Ordinance-Segecex No. 24 (June 19, 2023) , with the objective of expanding the institutional relationship with society in all phases of the external control actions of the TCU, as well as in panels, public dialogues and other events.
The approved guidelines are of a recommendatory nature and it is the responsibility of the Secretariat for External Control of Consensual Solution and Conflict Prevention (SecexConsenso) to clarify doubts; receive suggestions for its improvement; and keep them updated.
To access the full text of Ordinance-Segecex No. 24, click aquí.