The TCU brazil invites you to participate in the 3rd Seminar: Challenges of the Brazilian Economy

3er Seminario TCU-FIESP Desafíos de la Economía Brasileña

The Federal Court of Accounts (TCU – Brazil) and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) will promote on May 23, 2022, at 2:30 pm (Brasilia time), the 3rd TCU/FIESP Seminar: Challenges of the Brazilian Economy. Quality of Public Expenditure: International Experience and Opportunities for Brazil.

The event will be attended by TCU Vice-President, Minister Bruno Dantas, and FIESP President, Josué Gomes da Silva, and will be broadcast live on TCU’s YouTube channel. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the possibilities of reforming the budgetary framework in light of international learning and to increase the efficiency and quality of public spending, which are essential for the federal budget to drive economic growth and meet social demands in Brazil.

Access the schedule (link)

Date: 05/23/2022

Start: 2:30 pm (GMT-3)

End: 6:00 pm (GMT-3)

Place: TCU-Brazil YouTube Platform



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