The TCU of Brazil holds a virtual workshop for OLACEFS on the Global Voice of INTOSAI

On September 13, the virtual workshop facilitated by the TCU of Brazil, the future presidency of INTOSAI, was held to present and discuss the conclusions of the survey related to Topic 2: Global Voice of INTOSAI.

The survey was applied to all INTOSAI SAIs at the beginning of 2022, to identify how SAIs have occupied their national space of accountability to better understand the role of SAIs and how their missions, strategies, and capacities have been developed since the Lima Declaration. That diversity, the different contributions, and the needs of SAIs will help build the global voice.

18 OLACEFS SAIs responded to the questionnaire, representing 82% of the organization’s SAIs. This high rate allowed a good analysis of the region and resulted in the production of a very representative report, which is available here. (preliminary version)

The objective of the workshop was to hear the opinion of the SAIs of OLACEFS in more detail and deepen the analysis of the survey’s conclusions. The Brazilian TCU team sought to identify the issues of greatest interest in our community; areas in which SAIs have expanded their products and services over the past decade; examples of more effective communication channels and strategies; ideas of common practices that can be identified as relevant regional and global strategic partners; and other topics.

There are many mechanisms to build a strong voice for INTOSAI throughout our region. OLACEFS will undoubtedly be a good model for that.

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