Con un más de 6.400 aprobaciones en 122 iniciativas de capacitación concluyen las ofertas formativas del Comité de Creación de Capacidades del 2024
Reporte del Sistema de Gestión Educacional 2024
The Capacity Building Committee – CCC is an organ of OLACEFS, whose mission is to promote and manage the development of professional and institutional capacities of SAIs, in order to contribute to the increase of management efficiency and modernization of public administration.
Since its creation at the XIX OLACEFS Directive Council in February 1999 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, as the Regional Training Committee (RTC), its objective has been to help the region’s comptrollers improve their training potential and strengthen the management of public administration. However, to date it has been developing new lines of action for the benefit of SAIs and including the progress made by INTOSAI in this area.
Since January 2024, the Committee has been led by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile for a period of 3 years.
Reporte del Sistema de Gestión Educacional 2024