Capacity Building Committee – CCC
The Capacity Building Committee – CCC is a body of the OLACEFS, whose mission is to promote and manage the development of professional and institutional capacities of the SAIs, to contribute to increasing the effectiveness of management and the modernization of public administration.
Since its creation, at the XIX Board of Directors of OLACEFS, in February 1999 in the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, as the Regional Training Committee (CCR), its objective was to help the controlling entities of the region to improve their training potential. , as well as strengthening the management of public administration. However, to date it has been developing new lines of action for the benefit of SAIs and including advances at the INTOSAI level in this matter.
In this sense, at the XXIII General Assembly of the OLACEFS held in Santiago de Chile, the change of name from CCR to Capacity Creation Committee (CCC) was approved given the expanded scope of the work of this committee: from training to creating capacities professionals and institutions of the SAIs. To this end, this new dimension has been framed in three major pillars, which support a structure that will allow the development of capabilities, aimed at generating and enhancing the professional and institutional competencies of the SAIs; and, therefore, improve and strengthen the audit services offered by the SAIs of the region, which will make a difference in the lives of citizens.
Since January 1, 2016, the SAI of Brazil assumed the presidency of the Capacity Building Committee (CCC) proposing a series of challenges to be developed:
- OLACEFS: Macleuler Lima Secretaría de Relaciones Internacionales
- CCC: Flávia Lacerda Franco Melo Oliveira- Instituto Serzedello Corrêa
- Teléfono: +55 61 3527-7443
Enlace cooperación:
Paula Hebling Dutra, Macleuler Lima - Correo electrónico: