Leandro Matías Buendia Valdivia

Foto Seminario-Taller para la Formulación de la Política regional Anticorrupción para la Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (OLACEFS)

The Seminar-Workshop for the Formulation of the Regional Anticorruption Policy for OLACEFS is successfully developed

The Seminar-Workshop for the Formulation of the Regional Anti-Corruption Policy for the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) was held in Panama City from June 22 …

The Seminar-Workshop for the Formulation of the Regional Anticorruption Policy for OLACEFS is successfully developed Read More »

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The Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic reports on the Calls for Consultancies on Forensic Auditing and Citizen Complaints

The Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic is pleased to report that two tenders are open for consultancies in Management and Implementation of Forensic Auditing in the Chamber of …

The Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic reports on the Calls for Consultancies on Forensic Auditing and Citizen Complaints Read More »

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The Institute of Fiscal Studies extends an invitation to the VIII Master’s Degree in Public Finance and Financial and Tax Administration.

The Institute of Fiscal Studies of Spain informs the Sai community of OLACEFS that in September of this year the VIII edition of the Official University Master’s Degree in Public …

The Institute of Fiscal Studies extends an invitation to the VIII Master’s Degree in Public Finance and Financial and Tax Administration. Read More »

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Participantes del taller virtual sobre “Prevención del Tráfico de Vida Silvestre”

Commission to Combat Transnational Corruption Successfully Holds Workshop to Prevent Corruption in Wildlife Trafficking

The Presidency of the Technical Commission for the Fight against Transnational Corruption (CTCT) of OLACEFS, currently exercised by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile, the …

Commission to Combat Transnational Corruption Successfully Holds Workshop to Prevent Corruption in Wildlife Trafficking Read More »

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The GTOP participated in the parallel event “Pressures on Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Towards correct sustainable management of MELs”

On March 7, in the framework of the Fifth Meeting of the Forum for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the OLACEFS Public Works Audit Working Group (GTOP) …

The GTOP participated in the parallel event “Pressures on Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Towards correct sustainable management of MELs” Read More »

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