The synchronous training sessions of the Coordinated Audit on Gender Violence end

With more than 400 participants, the OLACEFS Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination (GTG), in charge of the Coordinated Audit on Gender Violence, concludes the synchronous training sessions through online webinars.

In today’s second session, we had the opportunity to learn about international standards and the obligations of governments around gender-based violence from the voice of Leila Linhares, member of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women (MESECVI/OAS).

In this keynote speech on international standards and the obligations of governments, the importance of applying international treaties such as the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women, known as the Convention of Belém do Pará, was highlighted, which is aligned with the work that will be developed in this Coordinated Audit on Gender Violence. In this regard, our panelist answered questions related to the increase of violence against women in the period of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting that this was a period that affected women in great proportion both economically and socially, a variable that is also considered in this Coordinated Audit.

We invite you to relive this keynote speech in the video below and to review previous videos on our YouTube channel.


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