Every March 8th, International Women’s Day is commemorated, whose 2021 motto is “Women leaders: For an egalitarian future in the world of COVID-19,” as a way to recognize the efforts that women and girls make to forge a more egalitarian future and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.1
One of the many changes generated by the pandemic has materialized in the use of the time that people devote to their personal and working lives. One year after the first cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed on the continent, we know that labor dynamics adapted to unthinkable challenges and are negatively affecting women, not only in the formal labor aspect but in the private sphere through disproportionate burdens that affect their well-being.
Given this scenario, the Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination (GTG) of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), with the support of the GIZ, led a survey to learn first-hand about the impact of the pandemic on the work of SAI staff in the region.
We invite you to learn the first conclusions of this survey on Monday, March 8 at 12.00 (GMT-3), through the Microsoft Teams platform, in the webinar How are we doing at home? Telework and its differential impact on women.
In the presentation of the results, we will have the presentation of the Comptroller General of Chile and president of the GTG, Jorge Bermúdez, who will be accompanied by a panel of experts constituted by María Victoria Giuletti, regional coordinator of the Win-Win Program of the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Daniela Santana Silva, coordinator of the Presidency of the OLACEFS Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination.
Link for connection: https://bit.ly/3dYUyv4
1 Retrieved from: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2020/11/announcer-international-womens-day-2021