The first day of webinars of the GTG’s Coordinated Audit on Gender Violence concludes

The Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Working Group (GTG), in charge of the development of the Coordinated Audit on Gender Violence, concludes the first training webinar, entitled “The Phenomenon of Gender-Based Violence,” with more than 200 participants from different countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Paraguay.

In this first session, participants, both audit members, and stakeholders were trained and made aware of the history, concepts, types, and magnitudes of gender-based violence and, specifically, violence against women and girls.

This first online seminar featured panelists Hillary Hiner, Feminist Historian and Associate Professor at the School of History, Universidad Diego Portales, and Alejandra Valdés, Senior Researcher in the Division of Gender Affairs, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), who highlighted the structural nodes and multiple manifestations of this scourge in the region.

Did you miss it? Check out more details of this interesting training or relive it again in the video belowv

Do not miss the second training session, this coming Tuesday, August 2 at 11:00 am Chilean time (UTC-4), where we will review international standards and government obligations around gender-based violence. To join us, simply log in by clicking here on the day of the event.


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