The first GTG webinar was successfully held

The International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women was the setting chosen by the Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination to begin its public activities, following its creation last June during the virtual Board of Directors of our organization.

During the event, the modifications to the updated site were presented, where, in addition to consolidating all the work on gender issues carried out by OLACEFS in recent years, it will also host the activities of the GTG.

To commemorate November 25, and with more than 400 spectators, the webinar began with the words of Minister Diana Marcos, of the Court of Accounts of Uruguay, who reported on the trajectory of OLACEFS on gender issues and the process that we are facing today before a new working group. Then, a Chilean academic from Universidad de Concepción, Cecilia Pérez Díaz, gave a presentation that called on the States to break the inertia, allowed us to visualize the vicious circle of gender violence and how the assignment of roles defines stereotypes imposed on girls from birth, which, in the long run, produce discrimination and whose final result is violence. The Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of UN Women, María-Noel Vaeza, also participated and presented the standards of the Organization she directs in the region to combat gender-based violence and the role of governments in this fight, as well as the control entities, showing heartbreaking numbers of violence in our region

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